We have booked access to the nearby Aurora School for shower access between the hours of 10:00 and 18:00 on Saturday. The code to the showers is #15561556 C. The building where we can go for showers (Aurora School Gym)
We have booked access to the nearby Aurora School for shower access between the hours of 10:00 and 18:00 on Saturday. The code to the showers is #15561556 C. The building where we can go for showers (Aurora School Gym)
The hall has been decorated, banners hanging on every wall. People have been arriving all afternoon. Sounds of laughter, joyous greetings, food has been served, and will continue to be available till it has all been eaten. The Royals have Read more…
The site buildings on our site include: A: The main building: RotanB: The second building: (B & C Salan)C: The snow caveD: Folket Hus is not part of our event site, but it is an easily visible landmark to show Read more…
The Honourable Lady Gerdis av Bure has agreed to play music for dancing this weekend, and she happily invites any other musicians who would like to join in to pleas do so. She is certain she can play the following Read more…
The Jester Group Phire participates with a late night fire show to bring some heat to the event! For those who want to see some sparks flying, this might hold some interest to you. Make sure to dress warmly since Read more…
Today our head cook, Keldor, took a little time to start work on digging a snow cave for us to enjoy during the event, because if you are coming to the far north in the middle of winter, you should Read more…
We have just recirved a tip from Mistress Oriane: Due to a cancellation there is now a double room, with access to a shared kitchen, available in an off-site private rental, located within walking distance of the event site.
The forests here in the north are a rich and plentiful source of food, if one knows where and when to look. Our kitchen crew has spent many hours in the forest, in the right season, gathering food to share Read more…
This year’s Drachenwald Coronation is not only the largest SCA event to be held north of Gyllengran, it also brings visitors from more locations across the Kingdom than have previously gathered here at one time. With many thanks to Botulf Read more…
In the immediate area around the event site we have a variety of services. The attached map shows: A. the site location (Rotan; parking in the parking lot adjacent to the building), B. The crash space hall (Folketshus), C. The Read more…
This site has two kitchens. Therefore there are two Head Cooks. Keldor av Skellitta is responsible for the main kitchen, and Petronilla Karlsdotter is responsible for the second kitchen, where the food for people with allergies and/or special food restrictions Read more…
During the Drachenwald’s 12th Night Coronation event we will have both fencing and armored fighting! (See below for details of the combat forms for each.) The time for both forms of combat will be 13:45-15:15 (though doing pickups and warm-up Read more…
On Saturday afternoon, at 15:30, we will offer “fika”, a pause for coffee/tea and a snack. The event staff will provide coffee, tea, fresh fruit, and sandwiches. We encourage those of you who would like to bring along baked goods Read more…
With 151 people registered as of 26 December (and another four who have started the registration process, but not yet completed it with their payment) our Drachenwald 12th Night Coronation will be the largest SCA event to ever be held Read more…
There are, as of 19 December, at least 12 people flying in to the Skellefteå airport, landing at 15:20 on Friday 6 January. Therefore we will meet that flight with several cars, one of which is a van with plenty Read more…
There are only a few showers available at the site itself. Therefore we have booked access to the nearby Aurora School for shower access between the hours of 10:00 and 18:00 on Saturday. A map will be posted on site.
Some people have reported that they have had problem registering, therefore we would appreciate that you doublecheck the newly updated list of people registered for the event here. If you though you were registered and can’t find yourself, contact the Read more…
There will be people on site allergic to airborne nuts. Therefore is a total ban of nuts on site. You are not allowed to bring, consume or handle nuts on the site. There are also people allergic to “strong perfume”, Read more…
During Pennsic The honorable lord Erich Olavsson Haane was presented a writ to sit vigil and contemplate joining The order of the Pelican. We are happy to have received the news that he gave chosen 12th night for his vigil.